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Comeback Wins and Blown Lead Losses - 2012 - 2019 NL with weights

Updated: Feb 24, 2020

"You're losing the game at one point but come from behind and win -or- you're winning the game at one point but end up losing. Which team in the NL had the BEST improvement between the first half of the season and the second half of the season between 2012 and 2019? A positive value indicates the team did better. A negative value, the team did worse.

From the July to the end of the season

The best team: St. Louis Cardinals ZScore: 2.50

If you want to see the significance again of the ZScore and what it can be telling you, please see:

The figures based on this time frame 2012-2019

Green = Most improved NL "devil magic" team in 2nd half of season

Second Half ZScore improvement over First Half:
    Team  ZScoreImprovement
25  SLN           2.500536
13  LAN           1.155155
6   CHN           0.708724
21  PIT           0.629136
20  PHI           0.199920
14  MIA           0.175256
18  NYN           0.165608
7   CIN           0.072913
9   COL           0.000378
29  WAS          -0.044111
1   ARI          -0.183983
22  SDN          -0.660839
15  MIL          -0.986471
24  SFN          -1.188790
2   ATL          -1.226091
11  HOU          -2.733371

   Team  ZScoreImprovement  2ndHalfImprovement  1stHalfImprovement
25  SLN           2.500536            2.471152           -0.608472
13  LAN           1.155155            2.359919            0.937246
6   CHN           0.708724            0.541195           -0.331659
21  PIT           0.629136            1.517296            0.742461
20  PHI           0.199920           -0.283432           -0.529650
14  MIA           0.175256           -0.888542           -1.104385
18  NYN           0.165608           -0.810648           -1.014608
7   CIN           0.072913           -1.455190           -1.544988
9   COL           0.000378           -0.783553           -0.784019
29  WAS          -0.044111           -0.042909            0.011418
1   ARI          -0.183983           -0.628790           -0.402199
22  SDN          -0.660839           -0.738068            0.075812
15  MIL          -0.986471           -1.203506            0.011418
24  SFN          -1.188790            0.003797            1.467894
2   ATL          -1.226091           -0.363577            1.146459
11  HOU          -2.733371           -1.849324            1.517057

   Team  Disp1stHalfCBW  Disp1stHalfBL  Disp2ndHalfCBW  Disp2ndHalfBL
25  SLN             111            121             139             92
13  LAN             123            108             132             84
6   CHN             104            110             113            102
21  PIT             120            108             126             96
20  PHI             108            117             124            129
14  MIA             107            125             107            124
18  NYN             112            128             104            120
7   CIN             104            129              92            122
9   COL             108            121             108            123
29  WAS             114            114             102            103
1   ARI             126            132             110            122
22  SDN             121            120              94            110
15  MIL             118            118             104            127
24  SFN             130            107             111            111
2   ATL             127            109              97            105
11  HOU             134            111              99            134
    1stHalfCBW  1stHalfBL  2ndHalfCBW  2ndHalfBL
25    3.515264   4.177175    5.588950   2.447658
13    4.316405   3.327817    5.040208   2.040486
6     3.085877   3.452211    3.693665   3.008676
21    4.108417   3.327817    4.592421   2.665124
20    3.327817   3.905563    4.447787   4.812319
14    3.266476   4.457917    3.311831   4.446501
18    3.578887   4.674465    3.128724   4.164257
7     3.085877   4.747789    2.448366   4.304222
9     3.327817   4.177175    3.374024   4.375072
29    3.707846   3.707846    3.009546   3.067958
1     4.529529   4.971184    3.500145   4.304222
22    4.177175   4.108417    2.555973   3.499132
15    3.972611   3.972611    3.128724   4.664257
24    4.821683   3.266476    3.564073   3.563042
2     4.601712   3.389729    2.721724   3.188259
11    5.122967   3.515264    2.835117   5.192597

The data file can be found here

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