"You're losing the game at one point but come from behind and win -or- you're winning the game at one point but end up losing. Which team in the NL had the BEST improvement between the first half of the season and the second half of the season between 2012 and 2019? A positive value indicates the team did better. A negative value, the team did worse.
From the July to the end of the season The best team: St. Louis Cardinals ZScore: 2.76
The worst team: San Francisco Giants - ZScore: -1.88
If you want to see the significance again of the ZScore and what it can be telling you, please see:https://baseballfan999.wixsite.com/baseballdat/post/what-does-the-zscore-tell-you
Most improved Team in 2nd half of season compared to their first half with comeback wins.
1st half (Mar-June) and 2nd (July - End) half side by side. The widest gap where Orange > Blue indicates most improved.
The figures:
The figures based on this time frame 2012-2019
Green = Most improved NL "devil magic" team in 2nd half of season
Red = Most declined
Second Half Improvement:
Team ZScoreTotalImprovement
0 CIN 0.448218
1 SLN 2.764303
2 PIT 0.245566
3 CHN 0.789795
4 SFN -1.883879
5 SDN -0.871135
6 LAN 0.832179
7 PHI 0.251797
8 NYN 0.308281
9 ATL -1.794351
10 HOU -0.153108
11 WAS -0.204710
12 ARI -0.170345
13 MIL -1.175741
14 COL 0.108625
15 MIA 0.504507
Total wins and Late Inn rally wins for first half and second half of season
Team FirstHalfTotW FirstHalfRallyW SecondHalfTotW SecondHalfRallyW
0 CIN 303 104 302 92
1 SLN 345 110 378 139
2 PIT 331 119 332 125
3 CHN 320 104 351 112
4 SFN 333 129 310 111
5 SDN 287 121 291 94
6 LAN 371 123 386 132
7 PHI 287 108 301 124
8 NYN 301 112 336 104
9 ATL 332 126 331 97
10 HOU 32 11 23 5
11 WAS 351 114 379 101
12 ARI 329 126 305 110
13 MIL 320 118 331 104
14 COL 311 108 285 108
15 MIA 279 107 276 107
Total losses and Late Inn losses for first half and second half of season
Team FirstHalfTotL FirstHalfBlownL SecondHalfTotL SecondHalfBlownL
0 CIN 337 128 354 122
1 SLN 293 121 280 92
2 PIT 308 108 324 96
3 CHN 316 110 310 101
4 SFN 318 107 335 111
5 SDN 363 120 355 110
6 LAN 284 108 256 83
7 PHI 360 117 348 129
8 NYN 339 126 320 119
9 ATL 311 109 321 105
10 HOU 46 19 61 20
11 WAS 289 114 277 103
12 ARI 321 132 341 122
13 MIL 326 118 320 127
14 COL 337 120 364 123
15 MIA 361 125 378 124
Team ZScoresRallyWinsFirstHalf ZScoresRallyWinsSecondHalf
0 CIN -0.179589 -0.421129
1 SLN 0.047260 1.219748
2 PIT 0.387535 0.730976
3 CHN -0.179589 0.277116
4 SFN 0.765617 0.242204
5 SDN 0.463151 -0.351305
6 LAN 0.538768 0.975362
7 PHI -0.028356 0.696064
8 NYN 0.122877 -0.002182
9 ATL 0.652193 -0.246568
10 HOU -3.695758 -3.458498
11 WAS 0.198493 -0.106919
12 ARI 0.652193 0.207292
13 MIL 0.349726 -0.002182
14 COL -0.028356 0.137467
15 MIA -0.066164 0.102555
Second Half Won/Loss Spread over First Half Won / Loss spread:
Team FirstHalfImprovementZScores SecondHalfImprovementZScores
0 CIN -1.718593 -1.270375
1 SLN -0.687148 2.077155
2 PIT 1.063486 1.309051
3 CHN -0.253638 0.536156
4 SFN 1.914439 0.030560
5 SDN 0.240763 -0.630373
6 LAN 1.371312 2.203491
7 PHI -0.515516 -0.263719
8 NYN -0.940166 -0.631885
9 ATL 1.520796 -0.273555
10 HOU -0.004455 -0.157563
11 WAS 0.190384 -0.014326
12 ARI -0.351090 -0.521435
13 MIL 0.172665 -1.003076
14 COL -0.759675 -0.651050
15 MIA -1.243564 -0.739056
Team RallyWinsFirstHalf BlownLeadsFirstHalf RallyWinsSecondHalf \
0 CIN 104 128 92
1 SLN 110 121 139
2 PIT 119 108 125
3 CHN 104 110 112
4 SFN 129 107 111
5 SDN 121 120 94
6 LAN 123 108 132
7 PHI 108 117 124
8 NYN 112 126 104
9 ATL 126 109 97
10 HOU 11 19 5
11 WAS 114 114 101
12 ARI 126 132 110
13 MIL 118 118 104
14 COL 108 120 108
15 MIA 107 125 107
0 122
1 92
2 96
3 101
4 111
5 110
6 83
7 129
8 119
9 105
10 20
11 103
12 122
13 127
14 123
15 124
Team FirstHalfWPercentTot SecondHalfWPercentTot
0 CIN 0.530612 0.469388
1 SLN 0.441767 0.558233
2 PIT 0.487705 0.512295
3 CHN 0.481481 0.518519
4 SFN 0.537500 0.462500
5 SDN 0.562791 0.437209
6 LAN 0.482353 0.517647
7 PHI 0.465517 0.534483
8 NYN 0.518519 0.481481
9 ATL 0.565022 0.434978
10 HOU 0.687500 0.312500
11 WAS 0.530233 0.469767
12 ARI 0.533898 0.466102
13 MIL 0.531532 0.468468
14 COL 0.500000 0.500000
15 MIA 0.500000 0.500000
Here's the input data generated by the custom program designed to extract the scenario.Apr includes March reg season games. Sept includes Oct reg season games. Houston only included in 2012.