If you want to see the significance again of the ZScore and what it can be telling you, please see:https://baseballfan999.wixsite.com/baseballdat/post/what-does-the-zscore-tell-you The total comeback wins/blown leads split out between 1st and 2nd half of season:
ZScores of 1st half (Mar-June) wins (Blue)/losses (Orange)ZScores of 2nd half (July-End of reg season) wins (Green)/losses (Red)For Blue and Green, a positive score is good as you're "over the mean-relationship for wins"For Orange and Red, a negative score is good as it means you're "under the mean-relationship for losses".
The figures:
Second Half Improvement over First Half Won / Loss spread:
Team SecondHalfImprovement SecondHalfImprovementZScores
0 CIN -32 -1.584
1 SLN 36 1.096
2 PIT 3 -0.205
3 CHN 35 1.056
4 MIL -1 -0.363
Win Totals - First Half (March 30 thru Jun), Second Half (July thru End of Reg Season):
Team FirstHalfW ZScoreFirstHalfW SecondHalfW ZScoreSecondHalfW
0 CIN 260 -1.780 248 -1.633
1 SLN 305 1.278 330 1.228
2 PIT 289 0.190 295 0.007
3 CHN 292 0.394 318 0.810
4 MIL 285 -0.082 283 -0.412
Loss Totals - First Half (March 30 thru Jun), Second Half (July thru End of Reg Season)
Team FirstHalfL ZScoreFirstHalfL SecondHalfL ZScoreSecondHalfL
0 CIN 303 1.635 323 1.721
1 SLN 255 -1.315 244 -1.222
2 PIT 273 -0.209 276 -0.030
3 CHN 267 -0.578 258 -0.700
4 MIL 284 0.467 283 0.231
====> Won/Loss spread. First Half (March 30 thru Jun), Second Half (July thru End of Reg Season)
First Half (Mar30-Jun) Won / Loss spread:
Team FirstHalfWLSpread SecondHalfWLSpread
0 CIN -43 -75
1 SLN 50 86
2 PIT 16 19
3 CHN 25 60
4 MIL 1 0
Population Standard Deviation of FirstHalfW is % 14.715977711317723
Population Standard Deviation of SecondHalfW is 28.65937891860185
Sample Standard Deviation of SecondHalfW is 294.8
Mean of SecondHalfW is 294.8
Variance of the SecondHalfW is 1026.7
Here's the input data generated by the custom program designed to extract the scenario.Apr includes March reg season games. Sept includes Oct reg season games.