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While eligible for post season, late inn rallies AL East 2013-2019

Updated: Feb 24, 2020

Our Criteria here: Win - a given team wins the game if they were losing/tied (in this order) in extra innings, 9th, 8th or 7th inning. Loss - a given team loses the game when they were winning/tied in extra innings, 9th, 8th, or 8th inning.

The figures based on this time frame 2013-2019 Green Most improved "devil magic" NL team in the 2nd half of the season Red: Most declined in the NL team in the 2nd half of the season

Winner Tampa Bay Rays 0.75

The figures based on this time frame 2013-2019

Green Most improved "devil magic" AL team in the 2nd half of the season

Second Half ZScore improvement over First Half:
    Team  ZScoreImprovement
26  TBA           0.567407
3   BAL           0.392179
17  NYA           0.119654
4   BOS          -0.383279
28  TOR          -1.493330

   Team  ZScoreImprovement  2ndHalfImprovement  1stHalfImprovement
26  TBA           0.567407           -0.376592           -1.063344
3   BAL           0.392179            0.775449            0.388889
17  NYA           0.119654            0.612475            0.500000
4   BOS          -0.383279            0.462506            0.870717
28  TOR          -1.493330           -0.884070            0.573209

   Team  Disp1stHalfLIW  Disp1stHalfLIL  Disp2ndHalfLIW  Disp2ndHalfLIL
26  TBA              56              72              54              59
3   BAL              57              50              56              43
17  NYA              58              49              62              53
4   BOS              71              58              60              53
28  TOR              73              65              57              68

   Team  1stHalfLIW  1stHalfLIL  2ndHalfLIW  2ndHalfLIL
26  TBA    1.628245    2.691589    1.792256    2.168847
3   BAL    1.686916    1.298027    1.927474    1.152025
17  NYA    1.746625    1.246625    2.362631    1.750156
4   BOS    2.617342    1.746625    2.212661    1.750156
28  TOR    2.766874    2.193666    1.996927    2.880997
   Team  1stHalfW  1stHalfL  2ndHalfW  2ndHalfL
26  TBA       285       287       298       265
3   BAL       264       300       263       307
17  NYA       313       245       321       255
4   BOS       311       261       313       249
28  TOR       276       294       279       285

The data file can be found here

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