Please see Disclaimer here regarding all of the results contained within all pages.
Our Criteria here: Win - a given team wins the game if they were losing/tied (in this order) in extra innings, 9th, 8th or 7th inning. Loss - a given team loses the game when they were winning/tied in extra innings, 9th, 8th, or 8th inning.
ZScore: is based on the population standard deviation and mean here. It tells you how many standard deviations from the mean you are. For wins, a positive ZScore is what you want as that relfects "you came back to win more than others". So 1.5 is better than 0.5. For the loss, a negative ZScore is what you want as that reflects "you did not lose your leads like others around the mean". So -1.5 is better than -0.5
"Which team in the NL Central had the BEST improvement between the first half of the season and the second half of the season between 2013 and 2019 with late inning rallies and late inning losses.
From July to the end of regular season:
Best: St. Louis Cardinals 1.24
Worst: Brewers -1.53
If you want to see the significance again of the ZScore and what it can be telling you, please see:
The difference in won loss spread ((late inn win)-(late inn loss)) between 1st/2nd half of season. Orange means "The games they won by late inning rallies - games they lost in the late innings". Blue means "The games they won by late inning rallies - the games they lost in the late innings". Positive values are always good. Focus on the Orange ZScore (late inn win and losses) between 1st/2nd half of season. Positive value means "better in the 2nd half".
The figures based on this time frame (2013-2019)
Green: Most improved "devil magic" NL team in the 2nd half of the season in this division
Red: Most declined in this division
Second Half ZScore improvement over First Half:
Team ZScoreTotalImprovement
0 CIN 0.452189
1 SLN 1.240228
2 PIT 0.584992
3 CHN -0.737551
4 MIL -1.539858
Total wins and Late Inn rally wins for first half and second half of season
Team FirstHalfTotW FirstHalfLateW SecondHalfTotW SecondHalfLateW
0 CIN 260 57 248 48
1 SLN 305 57 330 76
2 PIT 289 62 295 72
3 CHN 292 57 318 59
4 MIL 285 61 283 62
Total losses and Late Inn losses for first half and second half of season
Team FirstHalfTotL FirstHalfLateL SecondHalfTotL SecondHalfLateL
0 CIN 303 73 323 68
1 SLN 255 61 244 54
2 PIT 273 63 276 52
3 CHN 267 61 258 66
4 MIL 284 58 283 63
First and 2nd half improvement ZScores
Team FirstHalfImprovementZScores SecondHalfImprovementZScores
0 CIN -1.829 -1.417
1 SLN 0.063 1.193
2 PIT 0.536 1.069
3 CHN 0.063 -0.609
4 MIL 1.167 -0.236
Here's the input data generated by the custom program designed to extract the scenario.Apr includes March reg season games. Sept includes Oct reg season games.