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Late Inning Rallies to Win games in the American League 2013-2019

Updated: Feb 3, 2020

NOTE: THE url at the top in your browser will say "2012-2019". Please ignore that as we changed it to 2013-2019 to account for the Houston switching leagues so this is really 2013-2019.

Please see the disclaimer and source of the data here before reading:

Our Criteria here: Win - a given team is losing or tied at the start of the 7th inning and ends up winning the game. Loss - a given team is winning or tied at the start of the 7th inning but loses the game. How to read the results:

ZScore: is based on the population standard deviation and mean here. It tells you how many standard deviations from the mean you are. For wins, a positive ZScore is what you want as that relfects "you came back to win more than others". So 1.5 is better than 0.5. For the loss, a negative ZScore is what you want as that reflects "you did not lose your leads like others around the mean". So -1.5 is better than -0.5

"Which team in the AL had the BEST improvement between the first half of the season and the second half of the season between 2013 and 2019? In other words, from 2013 thru 2019, which team had the biggest difference between wins (tied or losing starting the 7th) in the first and wins (tied or losing starting the 7th) in the second half?". A positive value indicates the team did better. A negative value, the team did worse.

From July to the end of regular season:

The best team: Texas Rangers have a zscore of 1.42

The worst team: the Houston Astros have a zscore of -2.05

Second Half Improvement over First Half Won / Loss spread:

The best team: Texas Rangers zscore of 1.538

The worst team: the Cleveland Indians have a zscore of -1.658

If you want to see the significance again of the ZScore and what it can be telling you, please see:

The difference in won loss spread ((late inn win)-(late inn loss)) between 1st/2nd half of season.

ZScore (late inn win and losses) between 1st/2nd half of season. Positive value means "better in the 2nd half".

Totals between first and 2nd half of season

The actual won/loss spread (2nd half - 1st half). Positive value means they did better in the 2nd half.

The figures:


Second Half Won/Loss Spread over First Half Won / Loss spread:
    Team  SecondHalfWLSpread  SecondAndFirstHalfWonLossSpreadZScores
0   BAL                   5                                0.477549
1   NYA                   6                                0.582890
2   BOS                   6                                0.582890
3   MIN                  -5                               -0.575868
4   DET                  -2                               -0.259843
5   CHA                 -18                               -1.945309
6   CLE                  -3                               -0.365184
7   KCA                  12                                1.214940
8   TEX                  14                                1.425624
9   OAK                   5                                0.477549
10  TOR                   5                                0.477549
11  SEA                  -3                               -0.365184
12  ANA                  10                                1.004257
13  HOU                 -19                               -2.050651
14  TBA                  -6                               -0.681209

Win Totals - First Half (March 30 thru Jun), Second Half (July thru End of Reg Season):
    Team  FirstHalfW  ZScoreFirstHalfW  SecondHalfW  ZScoreSecondHalfW
0   BAL          48            -1.146           54             -0.047
1   NYA          54            -0.094           59              0.834
2   BOS          60             0.959           52             -0.399
3   MIN          48            -1.146           53             -0.223
4   DET          48            -1.146           44             -1.809
5   CHA          56             0.257           47             -1.281
6   CLE          52            -0.444           50             -0.752
7   KCA          63             1.485           58              0.658
8   TEX          59             0.783           53             -0.223
9   OAK          64             1.660           63              1.539
10  TOR          62             1.309           62              1.363
11  SEA          50            -0.795           59              0.834
12  ANA          55             0.082           61              1.187
13  HOU          52            -0.444           47             -1.281
14  TBA          47            -1.321           52             -0.399

Loss Totals - First Half (March 30 thru Jun), Second Half (July thru End of Reg Season)
    Team  FirstHalfL  ZScoreFirstHalfL  SecondHalfL  ZScoreSecondHalfL
0   BAL          43            -1.184           49             -0.642
1   NYA          40            -1.531           53             -0.107
2   BOS          51            -0.262           46             -1.043
3   MIN          58             0.546           58              0.562
4   DET          59             0.661           46             -1.043
5   CHA          58             0.546           65              1.498
6   CLE          35            -2.107           53             -0.107
7   KCA          57             0.431           46             -1.043
8   TEX          62             1.008           39             -1.980
9   OAK          48            -0.608           58              0.562
10  TOR          54             0.085           57              0.428
11  SEA          69             1.815           62              1.097
12  ANA          52            -0.146           51             -0.375
13  HOU          52            -0.146           66              1.632
14  TBA          61             0.892           58              0.562

====> Won/Loss spread.  First Half (March 30 thru Jun), Second Half (July thru End of Reg Season)

First Half (Mar30-Jun) Won / Loss spread:
    Team  FirstHalfWLSpread  SecondHalfWLSpread
0   BAL                  5                   5
1   NYA                 14                   6
2   BOS                  9                   6
3   MIN                -10                  -5
4   DET                -11                  -2
5   CHA                 -2                 -18
6   CLE                 17                  -3
7   KCA                  6                  12
8   TEX                 -3                  14
9   OAK                 16                   5
10  TOR                  8                   5
11  SEA                -19                  -3
12  ANA                  3                  10
13  HOU                  0                 -19
14  TBA                -14                  -6

Second Half Improvement over First Half Won / Loss spread:
    Team  SecondHalfImprovement  SecondHalfImprovementZScores
0   BAL                      0                         0.069
1   NYA                     -8                        -0.622
2   BOS                     -3                        -0.190
3   MIN                      5                         0.501
4   DET                      9                         0.847
5   CHA                    -16                        -1.313
6   CLE                    -20                        -1.658
7   KCA                      6                         0.587
8   TEX                     17                         1.538
9   OAK                    -11                        -0.881
10  TOR                     -3                        -0.190
11  SEA                     16                         1.451
12  ANA                      7                         0.674
13  HOU                    -19                        -1.572
14  TBA                      8                         0.760

Population Standard Deviation of FirstHalfW is %  5.702241274758159
Population Standard Deviation of SecondHalfW is  5.674112754920857
Sample Standard Deviation of SecondHalfW is  54.266666666666666
Mean of SecondHalfW is  54.266666666666666
Variance of the SecondHalfW is  34.49523809523809

Here's the input data generated by the custom program designed to extract the scenario.

Apr includes March reg season games. Sept includes Oct reg season games.

















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