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Late Inning Rallies or Late Inning Losses second half of season 1996-2019

a fan

Updated: Feb 12, 2020

Please see Disclaimer here regarding all of the results contained within all pages.

Our Criteria here: Win - a given team wins the game if they were losing/tied (in this order) in extra innings, 9th, 8th or 7th inning. Loss - a given team loses the game when they were winning/tied in extra innings, 9th, 8th, or 8th inning.

ZScore: is based on the population standard deviation and mean here. It tells you how many standard deviations from the mean you are. For wins, a positive ZScore is what you want as that relfects "you came back to win more than others". So 1.5 is better than 0.5. For the loss, a negative ZScore is what you want as that reflects "you did not lose your leads like others around the mean". So -1.5 is better than -0.5

"Which team in the Major Leagues had the BEST improvement between the first half of the season and the second half of the season between 1996 and 2019 with late inning rallies and late inning losses.

From July to the end of regular season:


2nd half inn Rally wins improvement over first half: St. Louis Cardinals: 2.57

2nd half late inn losses: Atlanta Braves: -1.44

Note: the Braves did well during the regular season. This just reflects that they did not need to come back from behind nearly as much in the 2nd half.


2nd half inn Rally wins improvement over first half: Texas Rangers: 1.39

2nd half late inn losses: Chicago White Sox -1.72

If you want to see the significance again of the ZScore and what it can be telling you, please see: Note: We did take the league change where the Houston switched leagues after 2012 so their figures from 2013 on were not included. We also treat Montreal as WSH.

The difference in won loss spread ((late inn win)-(late inn loss)) between 1st/2nd half of season. Orange means "The games they won by late inning rallies - games they lost in the late innings". Blue means "The games they won by late inning rallies - the games they lost in the late innings". Postive values are always good. The 2nd half surge has helped many teams get into many playoffs during this period.Focus on the Orange


The most improved team in the 2nd half "over their first half" with respect to late inning wins.

Figures based on this time frame (1996-2019)

Green: Most improved "devil magic" NL and AL teams in the 2nd half of the season

Red: Most declined in the NL and AL teams in the 2nd half of the season

Second Half ZScore improvement over First Half:
    Team  ZScoreTotalImprovement
0   BAL               -1.206973
1   NYA                0.739551
2   BOS                0.654177
3   HOU                0.593348
4   MIL               -0.162210
5   MIN               -0.237980
6   DET                0.822791
7   CHA               -1.724552
8   CLE                0.141934
9   KCA               -1.094920
10  TEX                1.386258
11  OAK                0.283868
12  CIN               -0.030948
13  SLN                2.563351
14  PIT               -1.196302
15  CHN               -0.312682
16  SFN               -0.306279
17  SDN               -1.378788
18  LAN               -0.513310
19  PHI                0.377779
20  NYN                1.470565
21  ATL               -1.447087
22  TOR               -0.608289
23  SEA               -0.223039
24  ANA                0.038418
25  WAS                0.094978
26  COL                1.840874
27  MIA                0.660580
28  TBA               -0.114188
29  ARI               -1.110928

Total wins and Late Inn rally wins for first half and second half of season
    Team  FirstHalfTotW  FirstHalfLateW  SecondHalfTotW  SecondHalfLateW
0   BAL            895             213             901              189
1   NYA           1094             209            1192              236
2   BOS           1066             218            1075              233
3   HOU            954             209            1032              220
4   MIL            936             208             935              219
5   MIN            942             218             965              217
6   DET            882             198             895              195
7   CHA            958             217             962              193
8   CLE            979             206            1063              215
9   KCA            829             206             879              187
10  TEX            994             191             975              196
11  OAK            970             245            1063              224
12  CIN            911             226             945              222
13  SLN           1022             196            1109              253
14  PIT            885             216             887              196
15  CHN            927             213             998              203
16  SFN            997             245            1012              255
17  SDN            912             254             935              211
18  LAN           1033             242            1086              248
19  PHI            914             217            1010              238
20  NYN            956             216             996              253
21  ATL           1056             265            1085              226
22  TOR            951             205             970              208
23  SEA            979             219             946              233
24  ANA           1009             229            1022              231
25  WAS            932             230             957              218
26  COL            915             184             921              217
27  MIA            894             208             914              213
28  TBA            820             195             866              196
29  ARI            888             213             875              191

Total losses and Late Inn losses for first half and second half of season
    Team  FirstHalfTotL  FirstHalfLateL  SecondHalfTotL  SecondHalfLateL
0   BAL           1005             206            1088              210
1   NYA            787             165             813              179
2   BOS            841             198             905              200
3   HOU            975             230             927              226
4   MIL            973             218            1043              232
5   MIN            955             200            1026              206
6   DET           1008             229            1099              205
7   CHA            940             206            1028              222
8   CLE            914             205             928              211
9   KCA           1063             229            1113              233
10  TEX            923             213             998              185
11  OAK            956             217             897              192
12  CIN            996             224            1039              221
13  SLN            885             223             871              220
14  PIT           1017             218            1095              225
15  CHN            972             240             991              235
16  SFN            924             209             954              229
17  SDN           1018             221            1024              212
18  LAN            894             202             875              223
19  PHI            992             224             971              236
20  NYN            949             239             986              241
21  ATL            866             202             879              201
22  TOR            979             228             988              243
23  SEA            939             221            1022              240
24  ANA            913             208             943              211
25  WAS            976             242            1021              227
26  COL           1005             227            1049              215
27  MIA           1023             247            1053              234
28  TBA            936             204             940              207
29  ARI            884             216             917              219

First and 2nd half improvement ZScores
    Team  FirstHalfImprovementZScores  SecondHalfImprovementZScores
0   BAL                        0.266                        -0.865
1   NYA                        1.675                         2.368
2   BOS                        0.761                         1.374
3   HOU                       -0.799                        -0.243
4   MIL                       -0.381                        -0.533
5   MIN                        0.685                         0.462
6   DET                       -1.180                        -0.409
7   CHA                        0.419                        -1.197
8   CLE                        0.038                         0.171
9   KCA                       -0.875                        -1.901
10  TEX                       -0.837                         0.462
11  OAK                        1.066                         1.332
12  CIN                        0.076                         0.047
13  SLN                       -1.028                         1.374
14  PIT                       -0.076                        -1.197
15  CHN                       -1.028                        -1.321
16  SFN                        1.370                         1.083
17  SDN                        1.256                        -0.036
18  LAN                        1.523                         1.042
19  PHI                       -0.266                         0.088
20  NYN                       -0.875                         0.503
21  ATL                        2.398                         1.042
22  TOR                       -0.875                        -1.445
23  SEA                       -0.076                        -0.285
24  ANA                        0.799                         0.835
25  WAS                       -0.457                        -0.368
26  COL                       -1.637                         0.088
27  MIA                       -1.484                        -0.865
28  TBA                       -0.343                        -0.450
29  ARI                       -0.114                        -1.155

Here's the input data generated by the custom program designed to extract the scenario.Apr includes March reg season games. Sept includes Oct reg season games. Montreal is included as WSH.

Team,AprW,AprL,MayW,MayL,JunW,JunL,JulW,JulL,AugW,AugL,SepW,SepL,TotAprW,TotAprL,TotMayW,TotMayL,TotJunW,TotJunL,TotJulW,TotJulL,TotAugW,TotAugL,TotSepW,TotSepL BAL,77,49,70,86,66,71,60,64,61,65,68,81,295,296,307,354,293,355,284,340,315,365,302,383 NYA,66,59,70,58,73,48,84,49,75,63,77,67,340,245,376,282,378,260,385,240,406,288,401,285 BOS,78,60,72,63,68,75,75,66,79,63,79,71,336,255,378,293,352,293,340,286,375,303,360,316 HOU,69,64,66,90,74,76,63,68,86,80,71,78,291,310,336,345,327,320,318,302,360,320,354,305 MIL,64,65,76,83,68,70,72,80,67,70,80,82,294,304,320,351,322,318,292,349,311,353,332,341 MIN,67,54,76,92,75,54,68,68,67,70,82,68,286,299,327,336,329,320,321,308,323,361,321,357 DET,54,67,71,86,73,76,51,65,68,69,76,71,269,316,310,353,303,339,303,329,299,385,293,385 CHA,70,63,80,62,67,81,57,76,75,75,61,71,295,288,330,339,333,313,297,325,335,355,330,348 CLE,56,69,85,67,65,69,66,70,85,74,64,67,293,284,361,307,325,323,316,310,371,307,376,311 KCA,67,82,72,82,67,65,66,62,61,88,60,83,245,338,281,387,303,338,270,364,298,387,311,362 TEX,49,72,78,61,64,80,64,60,66,67,66,58,305,296,359,309,330,318,291,330,356,328,328,340 OAK,80,72,79,83,86,62,83,65,77,62,64,65,303,309,313,352,354,295,335,287,369,307,359,303 CIN,68,81,84,76,74,67,77,73,75,76,70,72,278,320,328,342,305,334,302,325,325,359,318,355 SLN,66,78,71,68,59,77,81,74,83,68,89,78,341,257,353,312,328,316,346,279,386,294,377,298 PIT,68,63,75,72,73,83,64,63,64,81,68,81,272,316,318,356,295,345,306,320,285,396,296,379 CHN,60,71,80,90,73,79,65,74,66,81,72,80,289,296,324,337,314,339,332,296,326,358,340,337 SFN,84,50,94,75,67,84,84,66,77,80,94,83,315,286,348,322,334,316,313,310,350,330,349,314 SDN,72,77,94,69,88,75,64,75,71,64,76,73,282,331,333,340,297,347,290,331,340,334,305,359 LAN,73,72,81,71,88,59,84,64,79,89,85,70,336,273,363,304,334,317,345,274,379,298,362,303 PHI,78,73,75,70,64,81,86,75,82,81,70,80,288,303,339,329,287,360,328,298,338,334,344,339 NYN,72,60,87,93,57,86,93,70,72,89,88,82,312,280,336,332,308,337,321,302,341,341,334,343 ATL,81,66,96,69,88,67,74,55,77,76,75,70,325,272,383,292,348,302,356,266,372,303,357,310 TOR,60,95,75,71,70,62,71,86,56,75,81,82,281,326,353,329,317,324,297,321,324,347,349,320 SEA,80,66,68,83,71,72,73,87,81,71,79,82,316,290,320,345,343,304,296,330,325,350,325,342 ANA,64,75,87,76,78,57,70,66,71,76,90,69,301,306,357,314,351,293,334,286,340,337,348,320 WAS,78,72,73,97,79,73,58,84,69,69,91,74,288,311,324,348,320,317,277,344,339,344,341,333 COL,59,64,67,83,58,80,55,69,87,69,75,77,294,301,308,362,313,342,276,350,321,359,324,340 MIA,67,88,72,83,69,76,67,73,77,78,69,83,274,323,307,367,313,333,308,314,293,379,313,360 TBA,61,65,71,80,63,59,47,62,81,70,68,75,258,290,284,332,278,314,266,301,314,307,286,332 ARI,71,67,73,79,69,70,56,69,67,65,68,85,290,275,305,310,293,299,269,297,313,304,293,316


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